Thursday, October 31, 2019

Lessons from Linus!

     Most of us know the obvious lesson that Linus teaches us in the Peanuts Christmas special.  He stands in the spotlight and tells us all the true meaning of Christmas.  This year as I watched the Great Pumpkin I realized Linus teaches us some great lessons here too!
     Lesson #1: Never stop talking to God.  Linus writes letters to the Great Pumpkin.  He asks for things we wants, tell the pumpkin how great he is and discusses the problems he is having with others.  This is just like prayer for us.  We come to God with all of these things. Just like Linus we should keep praying even if others think we are ridiculous.  Linus' friends and family laugh at him and doubt whether he can get his letter to the pumpkin.  The world doubts the power of prayer too.  They think it is just a waste of time and doubt whether our prayers ever get to God.  They go so far as to doubt whether God is even listening or if He is even really there.  So let's be like Linus and keep those prayers ascending in spite of the world's doubt and criticism.  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Phil 4:6)

     Lesson #2: Be firm in your faith.  Linus is firm in what he believes about the Great Pumpkin.  He tells about him with confidence.  Lucy, Charlie and Snoopy all laugh in his face and behind his back.  Linus stays resolute in his belief.  Lucy even tells him how embarrassing he is to her when she has to explain him to her friends.  It doesn't faze him.  The other kids remind Linus what he will miss out on (trick or treating, a party) because of his beliefs.  He stands firm that it is more important to wait for the pumpkin than do those other things.  We often face these same trials as Christians.  When we stand firm in our faith in Jesus Christ, others laugh and tell us all the fun of the world we will be missing out on.  Linus teaches us to stand up and stand strong for what we believe in, even in the face of great adversity.  He is even willing to lose the school election to stand up and tell about the Great Pumpkin.  We too have to be willing to lose or give up some worldly things to stand firm in our faith.  "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm". (Eph. 6:13)
     Lesson #3: Share the Good News with others.  Linus wants to lead others to the joys of the Great Pumpkin.  He tells everyone about it and even brings Sally to the pumpkin patch.  He is excited to have her come with him and joyfully explains all about the "sincerity" of the pumpkin patch.  We should also find this joy in leading others to Christ.  Even when Sally worries about her reputation in being there, Linus reassures with patience and gentleness that she in the right place.  Christians will often have worries like these and as their brothers and sisters in Christ can react with the same patience and gentleness.  "With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love." (Eph. 4:2)
     Lesson #4: Beware of false prophets.  Or beware of false great pumpkins in this case.  Snoopy comes along and fools Linus and Sally into thinking he is the Great Pumpkin.  We often come across Snoopys in our walk of faith.  They can even lead us or our brothers and sisters astray.  We see this with Sally.  Snoopy leads her to believe there is no great pumpkin and she is ticked.  She tells Linus that he "owes her restitution".  When people doubt God is real they often get mad at other Christians and the Church.  Linus wavers just a pinch and cries out, "Oh Great Pumpkin, where are you?".  He doesn't give up, He stands firm in the patch even though he is alone.  As Christians we know that we are never alone.  God is always standing with us.  "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Heb. 13:5b)
     In the end the Great Pumpkin doesn't come.  How often do we feel like this.  When God doesn't answer our prayer or we don't see Him working in our lives.  Linus doesn't give up and neither should we.  Linus is already planning for next year much to the surprise of Charlie Brown.  Charlie says, "I've done a lot of stupid things in my life too".  Linus doesn't think it is stupid, he still has faith.  Just like Linus we know that God is always with us, even when we can't see Him. "For we walk by faith, and not by sight". (2 Cor. 5:7) Linus still has faith and so should we.  Have a great, fun, faith-filled Halloween everyone. 

P.S. Once last little lesson: "Never jump into a pile of leaves with a wet sucker"!

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