Sunday, March 15, 2020


Have you seen these commercials?  They are just so funny!  (Click to watch) You just have to laugh when you watch them.  This is one of my favorites.  The new ones with Tina Fey are especially funny to me, but I get a kick out of them all.  They show us that mayhem is everywhere.  A teenager texting, the storm blowing a tree on your house, the lawn mower getting hit by lightening (oh wait that is Farmer's but same diff 😜), the list goes on and on.  I like chaos in my commercials, I do not like it in my life.  

There will be times in life: when everything seems hopeless, when we can't escape our reality, when we wonder if God really cares 😠😭😵.  Mark 4:35 has the disciples asking "Don't you care if we drown?"  Have you been there before?  Terrified over what's happening (or not) in your life.  Do you find yourself crying out to the Lord, "where are you? why won't you help me? do you not even care about me?"  
Take heart! 💕 The disciples, that lived with Jesus, felt the same way.  Their lesson is the same as ours.  Jesus is always in control!  God is big enough to see you through any storm life throws at you!  


Do you have the faith to trust God in the storm? ☔⚡🌀 Read Mark 4:35-37.
I think their scenario fits our lives perfectly.  We've had a long day.  We are ready to be away from the people we work with.  We are ready to rest.  We make plans to have a nice quiet dinner with our families or friends.  But we walk in the front door and our plans are interrupted by a storm.  Not some small storm, but a storm that will toss us about and slam us to the ground.  We begin to sink...

Interrupted Plans

Interrupted plans come in a million disgusting flavors! 🍦👿💀
🍦your health does not allow you to do the things you want
🍦you worked hard to get ahead and one bad thing led to another and now you are broke
🍦maybe a surprise baby changed what the rest of your life looked like
🍦your spouse died, and you are alone 
🍦your marriage doesn't turn out the way you planned
🍦a fire sweeps through your life and leaves you with nothing

When smooth sailing turns into rough water we start to have some irrational thoughts.  Have I done something wrong?  Is God mad, doesn't He care anymore?  Why is God letting this bad thing happen to me.  Be encouraged! God is not mad at you.  We all face storms in life. (I have faced several in the above list.)  We forget who was in the boat with the disciples.  Jesus was in the boat.  The storm still came.  They were still bounced around, soaked and scared.  Jesus was with them, and He is with us too!  Even in the midst of the storm.

When anyone tells you that if you follow Jesus you will not experience troubles, suffering or pain; THEY ARE LYING!  Recall from the last blog who the Father of lies is.  Mayhem is coming!!! Storms are coming!!! Make sure Jesus is your insurance.  Jake from State Farm might have nice khakis but he is not enough.  Make sure Jesus is in your boat!
Remember the theme song from Gilligan's Island. Well here it is if you don't: theme song.  When this is your theme song, be sure to make Christ the Lord of your worries, doubts, and fears!!!
In the comments I would love to here your stories.  Times when you thought for certain you were going to drown only to emerge miraculously.  Tell me how God came through for you!!!

Here is our song for the week: Even If by Mercy Me

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